at what month does a baby learn to sit

Three babies, different races, sitting together on the floor of a playroom.

Most babies learn to sit up by themselves former between 4 and 8 months. But the procedure is gradual, and some babies make faster progress than others.  We can give motor development a boost by helping babies build key muscles.

When do babies sit up by themselves? There isn't whatever one, universal answer.

Around the world, approximately one-half of all babies take learned to sit independently by the age of vi months. But some babies achieve this milestone much before — as early as 4 months. And other babies accept much longer — eight months or more.

Why does the timing vary and then much?

To some degree, the timing depends on genetics.

For case, some babies might be born with a genetic tendency to be more physically active. As a upshot, they become more exercise, and this helps them learn new motor skills at a raster pace.

Merely information technology's also evident that the environment matters. Quite a lot!

For instance,  in a study of infants living in the U.k., researchers found that approximately half the variation in the timing of sitting was acquired by differences in the surroundings. Some children were growing up in environments that favored before development (Smith et al 2017).

So what'southward considered normal? When should a parent be concerned well-nigh the possibility of a developmental delay?

Experts offer this rule of pollex: If your baby hasn't begun to sit upwards past the age of 9 months, talk to your medico. Your doc can screen your baby for problems. If something's not right, early intervention will help your baby become back on rails.

Simply in that location'due south cypher magical nearly 9 months. If yous run across something that bothers you — if something seems off — you shouldn't wait until 9 months. Peculiarly if your baby is approaching the 9 month mark and seems to have trouble sitting with support. Trust your instincts and consult your medico.

And if your baby is older than 9 months? That doesn't mean your baby has a developmental trouble. For many infants, taking longer is just a reflection of their personal quirks and experiences. As we'll see below, babies acquire to sit down upwardly earlier when they get more opportunities to practice. And we can practice a great deal to aid them.

So why the focus on nine months? And where practice these other numbers come from? How do we know what's typical or normal?

Ultimately, the numbers come from scientific surveys. Researchers recruit families with young infants, and track development over time. Parents report when their babies achieve certain motor milestones.

For example, in one study, the World Health Arrangement tracked more than 1,100 babies in six different countries.

Every month, researchers asked parents about their infants' motor evolution. And subsequently all the data were collected, researchers establish that approximately 95% of the babies had learned to sit up (unassisted) sometime betwixt the ages of iv.3 months and 8 months. Nigh half of all babies in the study had learned to sit down up independently past the age of 5.9 months (Matorell et al 2006).

So it'due south numbers similar these that experts utilize to make generalizations about what to expect. They aren't numbers that tell the states what "should" happen. They are numbers that tell usa what actually happened…amidst babies participating in a specific report.

And hither's what's interesting: We can become very different numbers depending on where we look.

The "normal" or "typical" age range for sitting up isn't the same in every county. Information technology varies. Sometimes pretty dramatically. And the variation maps onto what we know about local parenting practices.

To meet what I hateful, consider the West African land of Ghana.

Ghananian mother holding her infant up in a seated, arm supporting the baby's upper back

Image of Ghanaian mother and infant by Anton Ivanov

In Ghana, parents don't await passively for their babies to experiment with new motor skills!

Like parents in many other African and Caribbean countries, they actively train their babies. For example, caregivers utilise their easily and supportive objects to help immature infants practice sitting in an upright position (Adolf et al 2010; Karasik et al 2015). And the consequence?

In Ghana, the average (mean) age for learning to sit up independently is approximately 5.1 months. Around 95% of babies in Ghana accomplish the milestone between the ages of 3.v and six.7 months.

By contrast, let'southward take a expect at a land in Northern Europe — Norway. Parents in Norway usually take a more "await and see" approach to physical development. They don't coach their children to sit upright, and the outcomes are quite dissimilar:

In the World Wellness Arrangement report, the average Norwegian babe didn't begin sitting up independently until about vii months.  And roughly one-tertiary of babies didn't reach the milestone until they were at least 8 months one-time (Matorell et al 2006).

So if we used data from Ghana to evaluate Norwegian babies, we might think that Kingdom of norway is plagued past developmental problems. One third of Norwegian babies are so slow they autumn exterior what we might call the "normal range of variation" in Ghana.

But are these babies suffering from a medical condition? Are they challenged by a affliction, or a physical inability, or a cerebral disorder?

In near cases, no. They're just taking longer — most likely because they haven't had the same opportunities to practice and develop their motor skills.

How, then, can y'all boost infant motor development? How tin you lot assistance your baby learn to sit down up?

The key is to provide your baby with the right sort of physical activities — activities that recognize your baby's current limitations, but as well encourage your baby to push those limits.

Where to begin? It's helpful to empathize the basic challenge that babies face.

To sit upright, babies need to something called "torso control." They need to build strength in core muscles throughout the cervix, torso, and spinal column. And they develop this force ane segment at a time, in a specific, "top-down" sequence (Pin et al 2019):

  • Starting time, they build strength in their neck muscles.
  • Next, they begin developing stronger muscles in the upper (thoracic) region of the trunk.
  • Then — once they've adult a strong thoracic region — they start edifice up the muscles of the lower torso (the lumbar region).

Many parents seem to have an intuition about this sequence. You can see it when they hold their babies upright.

When a baby is very immature and weak, parents typically hold onto the baby at the shoulders. Just equally the baby gets stronger, parents hold onto the upper or mid-back. And when a baby is virtually gear up to sit up unsupported, parents identify their hands around the lower back or hips.

So if yous pay attention to your babe's wobbles, you'll quickly get a feeling for where your baby is in the sequence. Y'all'll have a sense of which muscles are already strong, and which muscles need conditioning.

Here are some things y'all can practice at each stage of the process.

Six tips for educational activity babies to sit upright

ane. Help your baby develop stiff neck muscles with  "breadbasket time."

Father on the floor with infant; baby is lying prone, with hands propping up chest and head.

Safety experts urge united states of america to place young infants on their backs for sleeping. This tactic reduces the risk of SIDS.  Simply when babies are awake and alert, they do good from supervised sessions on their stomachs — especially if their caregivers make it a fun, social experience.

Such "tummy time" can speed up the development of certain locomotor skills, similar crawling. And considering tum time gives babies the opportunity to develop greater muscle control and neck force, it may help babies ready for sitting up by themselves (Kuo et al 2008; Hewitt et al 2020).

Does your babe dislike being placed on the floor? As an culling, try lying down and identify your babe on your breast.

two. Assist your babe strengthen core muscles of the body with more than stomach time, and with opportunities to scroll effectually.

infant lying prone, propping himself up with his arms, and starting to roll over

Rolling over is another one of those motor milestones that tin vary a lot in timing: Some babies can practise it before 3 months. Others may accept 6 months.

But whenever information technology happens, it's a big stride in the direction of being set to sit up. That'southward considering rolling effectually builds the strong, core muscles that babies need to stabilize themselves in an upright position.

three. Requite your infant a gustation of what it feels like to sit up. Become a living chair.

mother seated with baby in her lap; the infant is propped up against her chest, staring out at the viewer

This is a mutual technique in cultures where parents take a proactive approach to motor evolution (Adolph et al 2010). Newborns aren't simply cradled and carried. They are also placed upright, in a sitting position, on their caregivers' laps. The adult holds the baby in place, and becomes a kind of living chair — i that the baby can lean against.

4. Is your infant strong enough to hold upwards his or her own head? And able to keep the upper back region vertical and steady? Then your baby may be set to effort brief, supervised sessions of supported sitting on the floor.

infant girl sitting on the floor with her back and side propped up against cushions

Want to follow another cue from "proactive" cultures? Try seating your infant on the ground, with furniture, cushions, or other props to keep your baby from toppling over (Karasik et al 2015).

If you try this, your baby should already have potent neck muscles, and you should have noticed that your baby is kickoff to develop control in the upper thoracic region (run into in a higher place).

Also, think non to leave your infant lonely. This is something you and your baby volition be doing together. And when you first brainstorm these sessions, they will be very brief.

Your baby is learning to cope with gravity, learning how to counteract every little tug and tilt. Staying upright requires instantaneous adjustments in the stiffness of many unlike muscles. It'south quite a trick!

So when your baby moves away from his or her supports, it'southward no wonder if your babe can only stay upright for a few seconds at a time.  Just those moments — all the same fleeting — are long enough to make a divergence. With practice and exercise, your babe will develop more strength in the muscles of the thoracic and lumbar regions, and be capable of longer bouts of supported sitting.

5. Watch for "tripod sitting" — an early on phase of sitting up where babies apply their artillery to prop themselves up.

baby sitting up by self; leaning forward with arms braced on the floor

Now "tummy time" is improve termed "floor time," because your infant is capable of sitting upwardly past him or herself — at least for cursory periods of fourth dimension. At first, your baby'southward opinion will probably look rather aptitude or hunched frontward , and your babe may crave both easily on the ground to stay upright.

Just your infant volition begin to experiment with lifting one hand, and slowly larn how to suit his or her balance. You can encourage this process by playing with your babe confront-to-face, and offering your baby interesting objects to hold. And this brings u.s. to my final suggestion…

6. Understand how your baby'southward world is irresolute. Be ready to provide your baby with new learning opportunities!

Woman and infant outside in a grassy park; baby is sitting up independently

Sitting upward, unsupported, is more than a motor milestone. It's also a trigger for new environmental experiences — experiences that can requite your child a cognitive boost.

Once babies can sit up — without having to use their hands to go on their balance — it's easier for them to reach for objects. It'south also easier for them to manipulate and visually examine objects, and that helps them acquire about objects (Wood and Wilcox 2013).

It's also probable that sitting upward helps babies learn language. Information technology'due south easier for them to brand eye contact, and this can stimulate more face-to-face conversation with their caregivers. They get exposed to more words, and begin learning new vocabulary at a faster stride (Libertus and Violi 2016).

And so exist fix to provide your baby with the stimulating social and cognitive rewards of sitting. Don't leave your baby alone in chair with nothing to practise. Encourage your infant to investigate, observe, communicate, and learn.

More reading about your babe's development

Do yous take other questions virtually your baby'south evolution? Check out these Parenting Science articles:

  • opens in a new windowMotor milestones: How do babies develop during the starting time two years?
  • opens in a new windowWhen exercise babies clamber, and how does crawling develop (illustrated guide)
  • opens in a new windowWhen practice babies first walking, and how does it develop?
  • opens in a new windowWhen practice babies say their offset words?
  • opens in a new windowTalking to babies: How centre contact helps infants tune in


Adolph KE, Karasik LB, Tamis-LeMonda CS. 2010. Motor skills. In: Bornstein MH, editor. Handbook of cross-cultural development science. Vol. 1. Domains of development across cultures, pp. 61–88 Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Gonzalez SL, Alvarez Five, Nelson EL. 2019. Practice Gross and Fine Motor Skills Differentially Contribute to Language Outcomes? A Systematic Review. Front Psychol. 10:2670.

Hewitt Fifty, Kerr East, Stanley RM, Okely Advert. 2020. Tummy Time and Infant Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review.  Pediatrics. 145(half dozen):e20192168.

Karasik  LB, Tamis-LeMonda  CS, Adolph  KE, and Bornstein  MH. 2015. Places and postures: A cross-cultural comparing of sitting in 5-month-olds.  J Cantankerous Cult Psychol.  46(eight):1023-1038.

Kuo YL, Liao HF, Chen PC, Hsieh WS, Hwang AW. 2008. The influence of wakeful prone positioning on motor development during the early life. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 29(v):367-76.

Libertus K, and Violi DA. 2016. Sit down to Talk: Relation between Motor Skills and Language Development in Infancy. Front Psychol. 7:475.

Martorell R, Onis Grand, Martines J, Blackness M, Onyango A, Dewey KG. 2006. WHO motor development written report: Windows of achievement for six gross motor development milestones. Acta Paediatrica. 95(S450):86–95.

Oudgenoeg-Paz O, Leseman PP, Volman MC. 2015. Exploration as a mediator of the relation betwixt the attainment of motor milestones and the development of spatial knowledge and spatial language. Dev Psychol.  51(9):1241-53.

Oudgenoeg-Paz O, Volman MC, Leseman PP. 2012. Attainment of sitting and walking predicts development of productive vocabulary betwixt ages 16 and 28 months.  Baby Behav Dev. 35(4):733-half dozen.

Pin TW, Butler Lead, Cheung HM, Shum SL. 2019. Relationship between segmental trunk control and gross motor development in typically developing infants aged from 4 to 12 months: a pilot study. BMC Pediatr. 19(i):425.

Smith L, van Jaarsveld CHM, Llewellyn CH, Fildes A, López Sánchez GF, Wardle J, Fisher A. 2017. Genetic and Environmental Influences on Developmental Milestones and Movement: Results From the Gemini Cohort Study. Res Q Exerc Sport. 88(iv):401-407

Valla L, Slinning K, Kalleson R, Wentzel-Larsen T, Riiser One thousand. 2020. Motor skills and later communication development in early on childhood: Results from a population-based written report. Kid Care Health Dev. 46(four):407-413.

Valla L, Wentzel-Larsen T, Hofoss D, Slinning K. 2015. Prevalence of suspected developmental delays in early infancy: results from a regional population-based longitudinal study. BMC Pediatr. xv:215.

Woods RJ and Wilcox T. 2013. Posture back up improves object individuation in infants. Developmental Psychology 49(viii): 1413–1424.

Saavedra SL, van Donkelaar P, Woollacott MH. 2012. Learning near gravity: segmental cess of upright command as infants develop independent sitting. J Neurophysiol. 108(8):2215-29.

Valla L, Wentzel-Larsen T, Hofoss D, Slinning 1000. 2015. Prevalence of suspected developmental delays in early infancy: results from a regional population-based longitudinal study. BMC Pediatr. 15:215.

Title image of 3 babies sitting by Rawpixel / istock

Paradigm of Ghanaian mother and infant past Anton Ivanov / shutterstock

Image of father with baby on flooring by FlamingoImages / istock

Image of babe rolling over by Gwill / Shutterstock

Image of mother being a living chair for babe past RobertoDavid / istock

Image of baby sitting on floor, propped up on pillows by Sasiistock / istock

paradigm of babe sitting in a tripod stance by Tracey Newman / istock

Image of mother with baby in a park past MonkeyBusinessImages / Shutterstock

Content terminal modified 12/2020


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