System Shock 2 Codes System Shock 2 Code Art Terminal

This Arrangement Shock 2 walkthrough is divided into 15 total pages.

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System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 351
Arrangement Shock 2 Walkthrough - Organization Shock-two 351

Wow, let's hope this level is a fleck less crowded than ops! As I go out the lift I expect right to the window to witness an Oscar-worthy performance by none other than Ken Levine himself! Well... his voice anyway. Nosotros acquire that this guy is actually Cortez. I pick upward the anti-personnel shells from the demote and leave the window, inspired and star-struck! As I move frontwards some ducts collapse and worms crawl out. I become rid of them and turn left since there's no other way out.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 352
System Shock 2 Walkthrough - Arrangement Daze-2 352

By the door I find my get-go dead trunk as Shodan briefs me. The trunk has a expressionless power cell we'll demand later on, equally well as another game.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 353
System Stupor two Walkthrough - Arrangement Shock-2 353

I turn right and spot upgrade stations as I hear more than ducts collapsing. This time monkeys emerge. They evidently missed my prior development theory class, and then I'm happy to echo myself. Out of view to my right is a camera.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 354
Arrangement Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-ii 354

On the other side of the counter I find a log from Yang and a psi hypo. The safe contains a surgical bed central also as 10 prisms. In the art terminal I get function of a code, ten (inset). As I continue downward the corridor, I find six standard bullets in a trashcan.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 355
System Daze 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 355

In the next room to my left I find a security panel and another log from Yang. Call back this location as nosotros'll demand to enter Athletics later on. The room just in front of this one (inset) has a security crate with 52 nanites, a log from Murdoch and a replicator.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 356
Organisation Stupor ii Walkthrough - Organisation Shock-2 356

Next on our tour are the bathrooms. Unisex and spacious, they make an platonic place to store dead bodies full of annelid worms and you can even cram upwardly to 17 nanites on the dead torso. The doorless design allows your superiors to make sure yous are not wasting time reading on the john.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 357
System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 357

Turning back and going downwardly the corridor there's a camera and two rooms. The one on the left is flooded with radiations (inset) but had 21 and 19 nanites on the floor and six armor piercing bullets on the expressionless body. After throwing up from all that radiation I entered the room to my right (inset) where I plant a log from Delacroix. Both rooms had surgical beds.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 358
System Shock 2 Walkthrough - Arrangement Stupor-2 358

Continuing downwardly the corridor I come to a room where 2 explosions occur every bit I enter. Worms drop from the ceiling and I discover a security crate on the flooring. In one case the worms are broiled to perfection I hack the crate for a med kit and 6 standard bullets. The other function in this corridor has a security station and a log from our pal Cortez is in the desk-bound.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 359
System Shock ii Walkthrough - Organization Daze-two 359

We backtrack to the dead guy near the entrance and continue forward to the unexplored department. Beware, monkeys ahead! I took care to disable security so the camera won't pose a problem.

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Organization Daze 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-two 360

Kickoff door on the left nosotros have two bodies, two eggs and some pretty disgusting worms. One of the eggs spits out flies and toxic waste comes out of the other. Some grenades, 12 anti-personnel bullets and 46 nanites are on the bodies. I also constitute a healing gland and an unresearched item in one of the eggs.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 361
System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-ii 361

Side by side, a monkey. It was weird every bit it didn't assault me right away when I entered the room. Instead he stood in that location for close to a minute and then attacked. Anyway, the body bag is empty and there's some other log from Cortez on one of the surgical units. The dead body contains worms, an EMP burglarize and 6 armor piercing bullets.

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System Daze 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 362

I spot some crates in the last room in this corridor and as I enter two spiders appear. Again, they just stood at that place for a few seconds doing nothing! Wham! Wham! In the security crate I only get 6 armor piercing bullets. In the regular crates I get 6 rifled slugs and anti-toxin and psi hypos. I leave the room and plough left to exit through the bulkhead and option upwardly a log from Murdoch (inset) on my mode. I also striking the security station; for luck, you know!

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 363
System Stupor 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-two 363

I head directly ahead when inbound the new section and search this trunk. Information technology has a log from Murdoch, some grenades and 43 nanites. On the other side of this door is a maintenance droid, and then I'll backtrack to avoid it.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 364
System Shock 2 Walkthrough - Organization Shock-ii 364

A camera spots me as I turn right and enter the only other corridor available. I come across a locked room that opens up to a recharge station and some exploring. The lock on the door is broken so I repair it using an auto-repair unit and hack information technology. Boy, that door was really hard to hack merely I'g rewarded with 5 cyber modules I find in a desk. There are some grenades and an EMP rifle in here too. After a quick recharge I hitting the switch on the wall and climb downwards the ladder.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 365
System Daze 2 Walkthrough - System Stupor-2 365

On this first body I find an ICE option. Turning right, in a pocket-sized room, I come across two eggs and find a trunk with a hazard suit, an anti-toxin hypo and grenades. I move on and become rid of several eggs on my way.

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System Daze 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 366

There are no intersections and I eventually cease up here. I become down equally The Many makes a collect phone call. I should accept refused but y'all know me, all centre. I pick 23 nanites, the med kit, some nutrient and caput back upwardly and outside the room.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 367
System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Stupor-ii 367

Remember that hatch switch near the desk? Hither'south that hatch in question, now open. Going down reveals a dead trunk (inset) with 3 cyber modules and more grenades. Neat-O! Support I hack the security station and continue down the corridor.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 368
Arrangement Stupor two Walkthrough - System Daze-2 368

I walk past two doorways and frontwards at the intersection and enter this room. Within I search the crates for a psi and med hypos. In a corner, a dead body provides me with 3 cyber modules and in another I harvest some eggs for two healing glands plus a psi organ.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 369
Arrangement Shock two Walkthrough - System Daze-2 369

In this corridor is the chemical storeroom. While I don't need anything in here at the moment, these two security crates certain await inviting! In the far crate is a maintenance tool and a absurd hacking level 3 software. The other crate has 50 nanites and 4 worm clusters. Yuck!

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 370
System Stupor 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 370

After listening to the logs I had, I learned the lawmaking to the armory in the Sci/Med coiffure area. I decided to go for a walk and check it out. Grenades, two batteries, two medkits, 12 anti-personnel bullets, a standard armor, an assault and EMP rifles, a stasis field generator and some alcohol. Not much I can use here, but if you are using or intend to utilise the attack rifle, this ane is unbreakable! That'south right, you tin can use it until the very stop of the game without having to maintain or repair it fifty-fifty one time! At present that you tied this loose end, back to work... Irritant!

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 371
Arrangement Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-two 371

Back at the chemical storeroom I go on downward the corridor and enter the garden. If this section reminds y'all of Constantine's mansion, well, you lot're non alone! The grate will fall down when you go shut to information technology (inset) so be careful or you'll become down... and then to speak. As for me, I'll stick with using the doors. At that place's a body with ten prisms beyond the wall (1) and a log from Cortez virtually the bench (ii).

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 372
System Daze 2 Walkthrough - Arrangement Shock-2 372

Equally I go down in the garden I open the door to the correct and observe a body with anti-personnel shells. Hmmm, that "Arrangement" display on the other side of the window certain got my attention...

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 373
Arrangement Shock two Walkthrough - Arrangement Shock-ii 373

I go out and take the next door to my right. There are two bodies in a small room to my right, one with a grenade launcher. Alee is a room with a locked keypad. Warning: proceed with circumspection, major trap! Every bit I open the door, I hear two midwives run toward me and a grenade hybrid approaches besides. In the room are two eggs. I decide to run and hibernate in the room, hoping the cyborgs won't find me as I effort to get rid of the worms coming out of the eggs. In the room are several bodies and I discover four cyber modules, 56 nanites, a psi-hypo and 6 shells.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 374
System Daze 2 Walkthrough - System Daze-two 374

When I finally decide to leave the room, the midwives have moved exterior to the garden area and I am a bit more free to move about. When I get near this room however, two small-scale spiders come up at me. In this room I find 10 nanites, an anti-toxin hypo and a keycard to the coiffure department for which Shodan rewards me with 20 cyber modules. Must be of import! Note the window in the far room. Time to face those 2 she-borgs...

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 375
Arrangement Shock ii Walkthrough - Organisation Shock-ii 375

The Garden, function deux. I catch a log from Suarez from the demote and since in that location'due south nothing else hither I go out through the door.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 376
System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Stupor-2 376

To my right is a conference room with a log from Siddons. To the left is the kitchen which opens to a mess hall and some other nasty ninja-blazon trap. At the cease of the corridor is a camera. I decide to enter the kitchen and face the ninja cyborg.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 377
System Shock 2 Walkthrough - Arrangement Shock-2 377

As I enter the mess hall from the kitchen, a cyborg comes out of a small-scale closet and attacks! I idea Doom 3 invented the scary closet monsters... Whaddayaknow! Downstairs I find xx nanites and the switch to re-open the lights (left) and two dead bodies. One has 8 cyber modules and the other has an EnduroBoost implant and a speed booster hypo (correct).

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 378
Organisation Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Stupor-2 378

I take the elevator back upward and leave the mess hall using the door to my correct. I pass an empty bathroom and come near these 2 doors. To the right is one of the most memorable traps you'll face in the game. I'll take the left room first.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 379
System Daze 2 Walkthrough - Organization Shock-2 379

In this part of the lounge are a couple of hybrids and part of the lawmaking we're looking for (to the right, in the picture). It's "[1" meaning this is the commencement number. On this level of the room is a body with a maintenance tool, a log from good ol' Cortez and a cleaved replicator. Upstairs the hybrid is easily dealt with and a dead body has a Psi Amp and a crystal shard.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 380
System Shock 2 Walkthrough - Organisation Shock-two 380

Time to enter the Bonne Take a chance lounge and face the trap. Two ninja cyborgs will attack once this fantomatic cutscene ends. Ready? Ready... Get!

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 381
System Shock ii Walkthrough - System Stupor-2 381

Damn... they were pretty tough! Looking to the left of the room downstairs is a bar with a log from Delacroix. Don't forget to look backside the bar for a body with 10 nanites and 6 armor piercing bullets. The door to the right opens to the dance floor and two bodies, one of which has another 12 armor piercing bullets. Upstairs is a trunk with two cyber modules and a level two inquiry software. I leave the lounge and turn right.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 382
Organisation Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 382

Call back the maintenance droid behind a door I wanted to avoid earlier? We've come full circumvolve and there it is. As well as a turret and a camera, making one nasty situation. We'll play sneaky on this one. I enter the room in from of me and hack the security console (inset). This gives me plenty of time to search the room. I observe some grenades in a desk, an EMP pistol, five cyber modules and a med hypo on the dead guy and 6 rifled slugs plus 20 nanites in the security crate. Since the droid is facing away from me, I'll try and walk by it.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 383
System Daze 2 Walkthrough - Organisation Stupor-ii 383

I walk backside the droid and make a left. Hmmm, this place looks familiar, doesn't it? As I look around, and notice nothing, I hear a midwife run toward me. I deal with her silently and backtrack near the chemic storeroom again. I turn toward the dining hall area this time (come across map). This is pretty much some other trap, so be careful.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 384
System Daze 2 Walkthrough - Organisation Stupor-2 384

In the correct surface area of the dining hall is a camera. As soon equally you lot enter, the wall explodes and a droid comes out of it! No, I'm not making this upwardly! Looking around I detect a body with 6 cyber modules. I lured the droid abroad and take a peek inside the wall where he was hiding and see this guy. I psi pull the ammo and silently leave.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 385
System Stupor 2 Walkthrough - System Daze-2 385

We'll exit through the bulkhead in the garden (highlighted) and continue our exploration in the mall surface area.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 386
System Daze ii Walkthrough - Organization Shock-two 386

The garden wasn't the best place to enter the mall from and I at present have to deal with a droid, a camera over my caput and a hybrid throwing grenades at me.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 387
Organisation Shock two Walkthrough - System Shock-two 387

I take quite a beating getting rid of all the nuisance around me and looking down the chief corridor I spot another droid coming this style. I turn left in the bath expanse. In the men's area I notice a expressionless body with four cyber modules (inset) and vi rifled slugs in the trashcan of the women'due south area. After powdering my olfactory organ some I exit and take the gravshaft to the second floor of the mall.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 388
Organisation Stupor 2 Walkthrough - System Stupor-ii 388

Once upstairs I turn left and decide to make a quick stop at Narco Stims. Since nobody's effectually, I hack both the crate and the replicator. I get 36 prisms from the crate and the replicator has med kits, med and psi hypos.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 389
Organisation Daze 2 Walkthrough - Organization Shock-2 389

Standing my shopping spree, I turn the corner ahead and spot a photographic camera. I also realize that there isn't ane just ii more droids patrolling downstairs. I besides see a C3P0 expect-alike in the "Clone Maid" store.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 390
Organisation Shock two Walkthrough - System Daze-2 390

Turning right at the "Artechnology" shop nosotros discover some other slice of the code we demand, four. The replicator here is unusable and then I left after giving the managing director an earful. I decide to cheque out the store in forepart of Clone Maid side by side.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 391
System Shock two Walkthrough - System Shock-ii 391

The dead body contains a log from Rosenberg, 10 prisms and a small beaker. The replicator is pretty wearisome. The Shut Maid shop is empty, so I become to the far end of this floor.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 392
System Stupor 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 392

Backside a institute I find a psi hypo and vi bullets plus nanites are upwards on a piping. I psi pull the bullets and leave. Did I forget the nanites? Of course not! They're meant as a tourist trap and no affair what you do you won't be able to get them. Don't believe me? Go ahead, give it your best shot and come across how you besides volition fail miserably! Before going downwards I take the opportunity of my high vantage point to dispatch the droids downstairs and caput back to the gravshaft.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 393
Organization Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Stupor-2 393

How neat, an Bone upgrade car along with two upgrade stations and two more than behind me. I'll spend some cyber modules once I explored the rest of this surface area, just for now I upgraded my OS with Pharmo-Friendly for an extra 20% from all hypos.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 394
System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Daze-ii 394

On the other side of the two upgrade stations in this picture is a pocket-size room with three eggs and a dead body containing 4 cyber modules and a strength booster. Going forrad I found another log from Rosenberg at Quickfoods.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 395
Organization Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-ii 395

How tin can I not cease at the UNN Approved Way Outlet? Damn right, I tin can't! In there I get a healing gland from one of the eggs as well as 6 anti personnel bullets plus a psi booster hypo from the security crate.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 396
System Shock 2 Walkthrough - Organisation Shock-2 396

Moving forth I decide to head straight for the sensual stim expanse where Rosenberg lost his nanites. Here I hacked the replicator, got a card for the Nikki suite and institute the jackpot! 503 nanites and x cyber modules! Thanks Rosenberg! All this business organisation with the "pleasure suites" makes me realize that these space travelers are not masters of their domain at all!

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 397
Organization Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Stupor-2 397

I exit this palace of sin and turn right. The camera spotted me, so I got rid of it. To the right is a security office, but I'll commencement by doing left showtime. In the room, probably some kind of jail, I find a dead body with 12 anti-personnel bullets and a surgical unit activation key. In one of the cell in that location's a dead body behind an egg that has 6 cyber modules and 12 standard bullets.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 398
System Stupor 2 Walkthrough - Arrangement Shock-2 398

I exit the jail and quickly run in the security part to hack the station in that location. I take the vi rifled slugs besides equally the grenades. There'due south a recharge station hither and a expressionless body with vi more slugs plus an unresearched implant. At the far end of the corridor, next to the turret, is a medical room with a log from Siddons.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 399
System Shock ii Walkthrough - System Stupor-two 399

I tried my best to get past the patrolling droid, but it spotted me and so I had to become rid of information technology. It was self-defense, I swear! Past the big door I come to the casino area and enter. I got rid of a shotgun hybrid and a protocol droid and went to the back.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 400
System Shock two Walkthrough - Organisation Shock-2 400

In the small room I hack the security crate for half dozen standard bullets and 47 nanites. I exit the room, turn left to become into the lower casino area. Mind the camera as you pass the doorway.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 401
System Stupor two Walkthrough - System Shock-2 401

This dead body has a SwiftBoost implant and I take the viii nanites you see below. I caput down toward the bar, where I find a log from Korenchkin and a expressionless body with four cyber modules and a med kit.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 402
System Shock 2 Walkthrough - Arrangement Stupor-ii 402

I head back and get out the casino to continue down the corridor. In the bathroom I search the trashcan for 17 nanites. In the egg I detect a healing gland and backside it is a maintenance tool.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 403
Organisation Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-ii 403

Next in the corridor is the entrance to the theater. Somebody in this game was seriously crazy about the movie West World! The dead torso has 6 anti-personnel shells and behind the counter is a psi hypo. I know the cost of running a theater on a starship must be pretty high, but I'thou certain they don't warrant the prices this replicator demands! Check it out and when yous're set up enter the theater proper. Exist careful of the flies and worms!

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 404
System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Daze-2 404

Damn, we missed the previews! The expressionless trunk has an EMP burglarize and 5 cyber modules. Ok, we're now done with this area. Time for some cool backtracking!

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 405
System Shock ii Walkthrough - Organisation Shock-2 405

We'll head to the crew quarters using the bulkhead shown to a higher place. I decided to juice upwards my grapheme a bit before going, then I increased my strength by two, got level five psi and the psionic wall ability which should be handy for making a quick escape or trapping foes. What the heck, I'll take that hypnotize also...

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 406
System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-two 406

This big area is filled with hybrids, droids and cameras and so I'll use the walls and lifts near each corner to move freely and avoid the droids altogether. Down here I find a dead body with 6 anti-personnel bullets almost elevator iv, another torso with 20 nanites and a log from Delacroix near lift 3, there's half-dozen anti-personnel bullets up virtually the plants in front of lift iii (inset, 1) and another 12 armor piercing bullets next to the plants in front end of lift 1.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 407
System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 407

As for the rooms, the one in the map higher up had a dead body with an ExpertTech implant and a log from Yang in the desk-bound in a room on the left side of the expanse (inset).

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 408
System Shock two Walkthrough - System Shock-2 408

The second flooring is more interesting and I head to lift 1 to begin my search. I'll visit each room in a clockwise order. In the first room is a expressionless trunk with two small beakers. Room ii had a expressionless body with xx prisms and the card to the athletic sector which Shodan rewards me for finding with x cyber modules.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 409
Organization Stupor 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 409

Room 3 had the final digit for the code we're looking for, 6, besides equally 47 nanites and ii healing glands in some eggs. Room 4, next to elevator ii, had a ninja cyborg, one healing gland and a dead torso with a maintenance tool.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 410
Organisation Shock ii Walkthrough - Arrangement Shock-2 410

Room 5 was locked and I had to hack it. I constitute an unresearched weapon, xx nanites, some grenades, 10 cyber modules on the dead trunk, 20 more than nanites in the desk-bound, a crystal shard on a shelf and a accommodate of heavy armor. Near the bed some poor guy decided to end it (inset) and had a psi hypo on him. Room 6 is empty.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 411
Organisation Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-two 411

Room 7 was interesting. At that place'due south a broken vent y'all tin clamber into and observe a hidden room! I institute 6 anti-personnel bullets, a psi organ and a healing gland in the eggs, a expressionless body with 3 cyber modules and some standard armor and xiii and 17 nanites. Room 8 had a dead body with an auto-repair unit and version 2 modification software.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 412
System Stupor ii Walkthrough - System Stupor-ii 412

As I was heading toward room nine, two shotgun hybrids came out running and attacked! A dead body had 6 anti-personnel shells and a big beaker and in the desk I got a psi booster. The last room contained 10 nanites and one desperate, sad ghost...

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 413
System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 413

Now that we accept all the parts of the code we need for the transmitter, [1, 4, x, 6], we'll head for the door to the athletic sector. Opening the door will score yous x cyber modules.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 414
Organization Stupor 2 Walkthrough - Organization Shock-2 414

As I open the door the lights go out and a rumbler is smack in the middle of the room. I hypnotize him and enter the broken vent to my right as I take hold of an anti-toxin hypo from the dead body.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 415
Organization Shock 2 Walkthrough - Arrangement Shock-ii 415

After dealing with some worms I come out to the pool. I fish out 34 nanites from the floater and go in the far room to plug back the power cell into the breaker. This turns the lights of the basketball game courtroom back on. There's also a crystal shard and a recharge station in that room. Ok, back to the transmitter.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 416
Arrangement Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Stupor-2 416

The rumbler is nevertheless dreaming of rumblettes then I walk by him and head for the grav shaft. Once upstairs, I find the transmitter guarded by two black belt cyborgs. Boy, that hypnotize psi ability is great! The dead body next to the transmitter has a broken fusion cannon and another body has a golf game cartridge. I enter the code, 14106, and become twenty cyber modules. I get dorsum downwardly every bit Shodan tells me what'south what.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 417
System Shock 2 Walkthrough - Organization Stupor-2 417

It's time! Take the basketball and throw information technology into the basket and finally learn what is really going on aboard this ship! Don't miss out and besides read the log, every bit information technology's quite dissimilar from what y'all'll hear!

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Arrangement Shock 2 Walkthrough - Arrangement Shock-two 418

Shodan instructed me to become to the main lift. It'south in the middle of the crew quarters section. Take the elevator and yous're done with this level!

More System Shock 2 Walkthroughs

This System Shock 2 walkthrough is divided into 15 total pages.


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