Shadow of the Colossus Continuing Load Game

Time Attack Mode is an unlockable mode that allows you to replay bosses under a much harder set of circumstances - and you can win prizes for your efforts.

Beat the game and load the post-credits save to unlock Time Attack Mode. Walk up to the statues of the Colossi and press CIRCLE to fight them again with a time limit and awesome rewards.


Beat the game on Hard to unlock Hard Time Attack Mode with different rewards.

Time Attack Mode Rewards

Beat the game and save your game at the end of the credits. You can now enter Time Attack Mode by pressing CIRCLE to pray in front of a Colossus statue. By beating the Colossus under the required time limit in Time Attack mode, you can unlock new weapons and items. Here's what you can win for defeating Colossi in Time Attack Mode.

Item Colossus Description
Whistling Arrow 2 Distracts a Colossus when you fire it
Cloak of Force 4 Increases the amount of damage your sword will do to a Colossus
Mask of Strength 6 Allows you to inflict deeper wounds into a Colossus
Lizard Detection Stone 8 Allows you to find the white tailed Lizards throughout the land
Fruit Tree Map 10 Allows you to find the Fruit Trees around the map more easily
Mask of Power 12 Allows you to inflict more grievous wounds on a Colossus
Cloak of Deception 14 Makes you invisible to the Colossus
Flash Arrow 16 Explodes and can damage a Colossus without hitting its vital
Brown Horse 16 You can ride on a Brown colored horse instead of Black (press the Square Button at the Main Menu)

Hard Time Attack Rewards

Beat the game on Hard to unlock Hard Time Attack Mode.You can now enter Hard Time Attack Mode by pressing CIRCLE to pray in front of a Colossus statue. By beating the Colossus under the required time limit in Time Attack mode, you can unlock new weapons and items. Here's what you can win for defeating Colossi in Hard Time Attack Mode.

Item Colossus Description
Harpoon of Thunder 2 Long range weapon
Sword of the Sun 4 Reflects light in shadows
Fruit Tree Map 6 Map of Fruit Tree locations
Shaman's Cloak 8 Decreases damage
Lizard Detection Stone 10 Detect White Tailed Lizards
Shaman's Mask 12 Decreases damage
Cloth of Desperation 14 Parachute
Queen's Sword (From Ico) 16 The 'Lightsaber' weapon from Ico

Time Attack Tips


Colossus 1

You can start running towards the Colossus while the intro cutscene is fading away. The clock won't start until the bars completely fade out, allowing you to get a few extra steps in towards chasing the giant down before the clock starts.

Hard Time Attack Video

Colossus 2

You'll save yourself about 30 seconds if you attack the beast from behind at the beginning. Attacking the two hind legs makes it so you have much less climbing to do.

Hard Time Attack Video


Colossus 3

The most important part of beating this Time Attack is being able to get up on to the giant quickly. As soon as the stage begins, run past the Colossus to the far end. He'll track you over there. Once he takes a swing at you, run past him to the center. He'll turn around and knock his armor off on the stone circle, allowing you to quickly get on.

This Colossus shakes his head around a lot when you're on top. Watch the pattern and wait for your chance to attack. If you grab onto its forehead with full strength, you can completely drain that weak point and then drop down to the platforms below without having to rest on his shoulders.

Hard Time Attack Video

Colossus 4

Although it is faster to use the dangling bones to climb up, it is much harder. You'll have plenty of time to finish this stage if you run back through the cave and come up from behind. Just make sure you distract the Colossus enough at first so that he'll investigate your initial hiding place.


Hard Time Attack Video

Colossus 5

Make sure you are at full strength before you begin stabbing one of the wings. You'll need all of your grip strength to ride out the thrashing that comes shortly after you stab the wing. You don't want to fall off because then you'll have to waste about a minute trying to get back on to finish the job.

Hard Time Attack Video

Colossus 6

This is one of the toughest Time Attacks to beat. The key to success lies in finding the point on the shoulder where the Colossus can't thrash you about as you attack. If you try to ride out the head banging in between your attacks, you'll run out of time.


Hard Time Attack Video

Colossus 7

It is better to be safe than sorry. Don't try to overextend the amount of space you run while the Colossus is surfaced. If you don't give yourself time to grab on when it dives, you'll have to start over which wastes much more time in the long run.

Hard Time Attack Video

Colossus 8

Wait until the Colossus is really high up on the wall before knocking him down. This will make him stay unconscious longer. The last thing you want to do is constantly run up the stairs and then hop back down to keep knocking the Colossus unconscious. The less times you have to make that trip, the better off you'll be.


Hard Time Attack Video

Colossus 9

If you have the Colossus over a geyser and it isn't pushing him up, don't give up on it. Rather than making the Colossus trek over to another, simply run to the side of the Colossus. It will turn and make the water spout be more centered underneath it, thus triggering the lift.

Hard Time Attack Video

Colossus 10

Make your run across the center of the sand pit where there aren't any obstructions. This will give you enough time to wait for the Colossus to surface without having your horse turn or slam into anything while you aren't in control of it. It is much easier to fire your bow accurately while moving in a straight line.


Hard Time Attack Video

Colossus 11

Taking the dangerous method and hopping off of the cliff onto the field below is the best way to save time. If you follow the Colossus immediately after it falls, it will be knocked out and you'll have an easy target to land on. If you miss on the first jump, try to get behind the Colossus. It is still possible to simply jump up onto him without coming from higher ground.

Hard Time Attack Video

Colossus 12

When you get on to the head, look around and find the closest building. Aim the Colossus for that one. The last thing you want to do is march the Colossus around all day without taking any health away from it.


Hard Time Attack Video

Colossus 13

You can actually finish this battle in two sets of attacks rather than three. If you quickly run back to the second weak point after finishing the first, you can get an attack or two in on it before you are forced off onto the ground again. If you do this each time, you'll shave off the final set of attacks.

When the worm goes under ground, hold down the L1 Button to keep the camera focused on him. Run your horse towards it so that you'll be right there when it resurfaces. You'll be given quick easy shots at the bloated sacks as it comes up, making it so that you don't have to hunt it down and try to shoot it on the move.

Hard Time Attack Video

Colossus 14

Shoot arrows at the Colossus as soon as you get yourself situated atop the pillars. The trick to finishing this one quickly is making sure that the Colossus is always following you along your path like a little lap dog.


Hard Time Attack Video

Colossus 15

After you stab this Colossus in the shoulder to make him drop his sword, you can actually drop down and grab onto his hand while you're falling. This way you don't have to worry about the entire step of making him swing at you.

Hard Time Attack Video

Colossus 16

If you start getting knocked about by the blasts at the beginning, hit start and retry the Time Attack. If you make it through the initial gauntlet quickly, the rest of the Colossus isn't a problem.


Hard Time Attack Video

Up Next: Shadow of the Colossus Cheats and Secrets

In This Wiki Guide

Shadow of the Colossus


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